Human League, I'm Only Human

I need to post this. Get it out of my system as fast as possible. Not because it's bad but because it's real. Yesterday I met someone who really believes the Ayotzinapa students are all punks related to drugs.

He wasn't so blunt first, nor he was confronting. I wasn't necessarily being open about my position either so I asked him (because he has 4 kids) what if one of those kids were his. Disappeared, vanished, maybe tortured or murdered, lost in waves of doubt and injustice. Then he replied, "Well, if my kid was a drug dealer, then I don't think I would be so surprised about his fate."

Ayotzinapa Inform
My face must have said it all, "I'm sorry, who are you talking about?" then I wanted to say this but kept it for myself as I waited for his answer: "And, even if they were drug dealers as you say, would you feel comfortable in a government that believes if you are second class human, could do barbaric things to all of yours, covering with blood and bullets small towns in Mexico? 

"Well, we don't know, right?. I mean do you know exactly who they were? Did you go to school with them?"

Holy shit. Yeah, he was right. I don't know.

Then I imagined this marasmus of misinformation and doubt where Mexican reality is submerged. Where people want to believe what the want, beyond factual, reasonable truths, and not poorly fabricated ones. If you really believed the government and it's whole apparatus knew all the time what they were doing but rather believe that they were punks, then that's why people seem so absurdly passive. That is why media rather keep talking about liposuction and football, that is why I sometimes I listen to someone on the radio disrespecting the parents of the students, dismissing their efforts, calling them stubborn.
Ayotzinapa Inform
He then said, well, lapidated the whole Mexican reality in his words: "No one will ever know". P.e.r.i.o.d. End of story. There, in front of my eyes the truth, the historical truth not about Mexican reality, about reality. JFK, The Holocaust, Aguas Blancas, some events flashed through my eyes. Humankind. The so-called loving fellow men and women supposedly kind to all humans perennially inscribed to the distancing of events? I as part of those who honk and yell at the buses while driving in the city, I as one who think this man has not read the Ayotzinapa Report and thus think his word is not worthy of trust as he grins and believes he won this argument because I kept quiet?
Ayotzinapa Inform
But I as one who also believe in kindness to others, that wants to believe not everyone runs on an agenda, that has still instilled a romantic side that hurts every time this is not true but that finds glory in those events that don't. Reality is, I don't know, I was not there. I didn't see my friends bleeding on the streets, I didn't feel the fear of being trapped in a bus as police forces [stated in police reports] threw tear gas and yelled at us: "Your time has come assholes" and know, from my deepest intuition that I'd rather be dead than facing any police force that utters those words.

Ayotzinapa Inform

So, two logical thoughts: One. Because El Chapo's mother has not compiled, such a serious report on the facts of any event his son has ever been involved in [What? Drugs? He built a tunnel? Just kidding] I choose to believe these students were not punks.

Two. Push toward kindness. That's all I'm saying. Otherwise, it's false to think we are together in this, equal, caring for the humankind. 
