Upside Down, Fela Kuti

I believe it was Baudrillard who first wrote about the term scenodrama, "or collective dramaturgy" in regards of the obsolescence and the production of work. But what I want to do, is recover that word and make it an excuse to run some ideas on the Chapo's third alleged capture by the euphorical and super, uber heroic Mexican Marines.

Scenotragic-comic-drama that definitely could not have been written by any fiction writer. Something so obtuse where Sean Penn, Kate del Castillo and Los Mochis sewer system is really far off from anyone's sane imagination. Nobody would have dared to put these three together with El Chapo yet, here we are upon this new reality show called Mexico: Mission Unaccomplished Showing Live Online and Rolling Stone Magazine.

The only way to make sense of this [a.k.a. Black Swan Operation] and some others surrounding Mexico is by looking at everything upside down, that is, by leaving it to the typical nonsense of the Latin American cliché of a pat in the back yet try to rescue the following:
1. To think the farce of a capture solves the lack of credibility from our institutions, is a stupid move from our government. 
2. With some edits from all related taped incidents, anyone could make the hyperreal movie El Chapo is searching for. 
3. Hence, to believe there's a national plan from our government taking us to a future with some kind of solution for our next crisis, is clearly unthinkable.
4. Communication Disorganise. Patapata.
