Guido Van Der Werve: Nummer acht, Everything is Going to be Alright

After I watched Guido Van Der Werve's: Nummer acht, Everything is going to be alright, from 2007 I knew this piece pretty much represented the times we were living then and even more now. The piece shows the artist walking calmly a few miles before the icebreaker behind him. As Tom Morton writes about this piece: "We might read it as a parable of man’s superiority to machine, until we remember that without the protective shell of the ship, van der Werve would never have been able to reach this inhospitable zone in the first place. This is not an image of man at one with nature, then, but of an excessive survival strategy, both sublime and ridiculous." [source]

This event took place a few days ago. To many of us that drive by this zone, never found out this was what actually happened because a huge wall was quickly built in front of it... Until the video became viral.

This construction will soon become Artz Pedregal a project by Sordo Madaleno Architects.

I really have no objection to these projects. And I'm sure in a few days no one will remember about it anymore. Only the schmucks that live around it. "No worries", the authorities reassure us, "everything is going to be alright..."
