Literal Dismemberment of Discourse

In Mexico, elections have always become a synonym for a turbulent period. Politicians have pending issues, cartels make new pacts and investment always take a cautious step back after polls and candidate debates.

What happened a few days ago went a bit unnoticed but I wonder why.  I believe it unfortunately is, the fact Mexicans can no longer understand the relevance of it. 

This past Sunday, the candidate debate took place. The five candidates spoke about different subjects which don't necessarily interest me here now. One of the questions posed to one of the candidates called "El Bronco" (in Spanish usually referred to a wild horse but used as a nickname when he was part of a popular music group which BTW speaks volumes of what the Mexicans have for options towards a presidential candidate in 2018), asked what measures would he propose towards dealing with delinquency. He harshly said: "To cut their hand off". The mediator, asked him, if he meant literally, and he claimed that was correct.

The memes started pouring in through social media, from Darth Vader to Talibanesque remarks it was all fun and mockery, but the next day, a mutilated body appeared in the México-Acapulco highway: "Just as Bronco said, to cut the hands off of the ones that steal, so here's the first one. Att. The Undertakers."

What kind of country are we in? Did the world spun in another direction? Did time turn back in my sleep? Why aren't Mexicans concerned about this eerie "communication" of delinquency and politics? 
