Kraftwerk, Ohm Sweet Ohm

Seven months ago, you would not find the hostaged streets surrounding the abandoned Spanish Embassy looking like the way they are now. Tarps with people living practically stripped bare of privacy in plain sight. Seven months ago, what you would have missed right in front of the Wax Museum would be people banging on a light brown metal door with a special knock that would let some in.

Once the door opened you could see all the ambulant people living through the crumbling building that is now occupying the corner of Londres and Roma streets. Today, their water tanks rest upon metal structures and you can see their scarce belongings barely secured out of the rain by plastics held together by duct tape.

These people entered the building illegally, and it seems, as if, they are holding on fraily to the breaking banister of a territory long gone.

Yuyu Record Store and Nightclub
