Death does not become Us

I found two examples of Halloween costumes that should have never happened. Making rockstars of cartel leaders or fun from hitmen, specifically on kids is beyond my wildest imagination. What disgraced reality has not been understood? For years, I have spoken about the resilience in Mexican scenarios, of smiling against adversity but these videos show the ignorance of their parents. On the first example, the boy is carrying what seems to be a dismembered body within a trash bag! Imagine dressing your kid up as any of the massacre shooters in the US... Not funny.

The second is Ovidio Guzmán Leyva's costume. Why? Narco culture as normalcy, as actors within our society, digging graves, dissolving bodies, making grotesque altars, yet people choose to laugh at these events by dressing up a boy who has no idea of the complexities these "funny", viral acts do. I will say this a million times #ThisIsNotNormal #Bohoo
