Blue Velvet

My latest discovery lies within this book: "Catching the Big Fish, Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity" by David Lynch.

"An idea is a thought. It's a thought that holds more than you think it does when you receive it. [...] It happens in an instant, just as in life.

It would be great if the entire film all came at once. But it comes, for me, in fragments. That first fragment is like the Rossetta Stone. Its the piece of the puzzle that indicates the rest. It's a hopeful puzzle piece.

In Blue Velvet, it was red lips, green lawns, and the song- Bobby Vinton's version of "Blue Velvet." The next thing was an ear lying in a field. And that was it.

You fall in love with the first idea, that little tiny piece. And once you've got it, the rest will come in time."
David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish
