Gary Glitter, Hello Hello I'm back Again!

I recently noticed how I had stopped writing on this blog, it's a shame... Words are so pretty when you combine them together. Well, it's been months I have been back in Mexico, it started very slowly but my projects started keeping me away from New Orleans until I had to choose, or well, my economy chose Mexico for a while.

I have two projects I'm working on, cassette tapes and barrel organs. Both of these projects are very demanding but they are coming along slowly but surely. I just took a show down in New Orleans at the Mexican Consulate and I'm very happy not only about how the installation turned out but I also made new friends.

Since I've been back in Mexico I noticed how much has happened in my life after the 6 years I have been living in the US. I am becoming aware of how certain things I see differently now. I have become a traveler in my own country and that's a rare thing because it's the usual that I find in a way now, very unusual.

Of course I miss New Orleans, who in it's sane judgment wouldn't? But I know for a fact New Orleans is there, waiting for me, when I'm ready to go back. For now, I am enjoying as much of Mexico as I can with this new optic, writing for residencies and connecting back with friends.

So I'm back, not home, not forever, just back and I'm glad.
