AAMD Meetings @ Templo Mayor Museum

Francis Alys you changed my perception of this forever
Golden age movie cartels at the gates of the Mexican Cathedral
Templo Mayor Museum
Mictlantecuhtli, God of Death @ Templo Mayor Museum
Who is the Coyolxauhqui? *Click the link on the left.
Proud of itself
Mexico Tenochtitlan was erected
Here, nobody is fearful of death in war
This is our Glory
This is your mandate
Oh, giver of life!
Have it clear, Oh Princes,
Never forget
Who could besiege Tenochtitlan?
Who could possibly move the foundations of Heaven?
With our bows
With our shields
This city exists...

Santa Muerte slash Halloween slash Day of the Dead slash Xochimilco
Good and Evil in one day: St. Jude's Feast is today
We are such a great nation @ Zócalo 
