Not so sweet potatoes, not so jo jo jo lly feelings

I'll have to go back to the sweet potatoes in a bit.

I'm pensive. I read somewhere I can't remember, how if an alien came into town and got a quick view of humans through Facebook, it would grasp pure silliness, joy and goodness from all it's world wide users. It seems that virtual world has been inoculated from the other human spectre of feelings. This is not new, we have been pushing cemeteries out of the cities, diseases as far as we can with antibiotics (making diseases paradoxically stronger), socially eliminating negative distress with happy pills or other neurological experiments.

I guess what I'm struggling with today is, with a sense of loss, or rather, the denied possibility of gaining something. I sound like Yoda: "Denied something not, gaining is". And though I know exactly what it is, there's nothing to do about it, today.

NY Times, Extreme Santa. Picture Manuel Silvestri/Reuters
I'll let that feeling accompany me. Will not struggle or fight against it. Will surround myself with other's joy, trying to remember that tonight is just like any other night and that patiently, tomorrow, and the day after that, I'll try to resolve that which seems an ancient breach towards belonging.

Oven's ringing. Peace, joy and why not, lesser phenomenal feelings to everyone.
