Ojo de Buey, Nadie Me Para Feat. Li Saumet

According to the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, I'm an ox. As stated by this site: "Proper relaxation and regular short trips will benefit the Ox", I must say I agree. But to make things more exact, I'm actually a water ox: "Hardworking, ambitious, tenacious, able to endure hardship, with a strong sense of justice and keen observational abilities".

This year will seem to run smooth, according to the 2016 predictions. Some money fallbacks, some in and out love falls, good health, possible fortune, just my regular cup of tea. I don't believe in Zodiacs by the way, but yesterday we were all joking about them. In Mexico to be an ox is to be a buey, which in slang güey, means being dumb (also a regular folk or friend).

A new year just went by. Fast, dunno if faster but it seems so. I don't have great learnings, nor dramatic changes, I guess, like the ox I am, I'm trying to walk steadily and not run (more like dangling on ropes), which I guess is just one of the greatest sort of inner zen achievements.

I have been reading about yoga too. On how when you practice constantly, you sometimes do it without your conscious self. More like riding a car than actually listening to your body. According to Dharmapriya, this creates some aggression to your body, let's say, like cranking up a gear, forcing the machinery to work as expected thus harming yourself.

One of the phrases on a recent Kindle purchase makes me believe stress is inevitable, but the degree of the stress is actually proportional to the degree of love for ourselves. Not listening to the body, not doing things consciously, is not very good for your mind and heart.

So yes, be dependable, work like an ox, love tenaciously but don't be an ass (güey) about it.
