Mennonite Central Committee, New Beginnings

Delta Colony

Tele Video in Spanish: The Kunze, European immigrants
that fled the war in Germany

A year ago I wrote about this in a post. I found it fascinating how people embarked in search of a new life. Today, I had a closer look to what I read in a book and have a better glimpse to the lives of the people that left their countries behind. 

I have some beautiful faces carved in my memory, some people that listen and speak only a few wise words, some people that cry when speaking about their lost loved ones either by early departure from life or those who migrated to a life of their own into neghboring countries or even the old continents these people left behind.

I joked with some others about kugel and pirogi recipes while sipping black tea with milk. Found loyal dogs that first barked but then belly up, explained how they missed their owners that had left for a mennonite reunion.

Small elements like black and white pictures of people under the sun, inside camping tarps, over big trucks, make me think how everything was about life lived the way it was supposed to. I also think a life invested in farming the riches of the soil, feeding the animals and fishing in the rivers, is one of commitment and exhausting love towards the Natural world.

Cows, bees, fig trees, limes, grass, sand, sun. Asados, cheese, thick milk and greasy cold cuts. I could keep prononucing the greatness that comes from forging something out of nothing. People relying in their skills, and though I'm pretty sure they would not think about it, the way I'm describing it, most likely, they thought it had to be done, and woke up every day, fed the chickens, built churches and held ceremonies, people danced and passed away, hated each other and maybe reconciled.

People, were mostly, remembered in small anecdotes that showed their character, their little perks, and their incredible adventures, their great mundane accomplishments. My modest life for a few days, woven between these amazing ones, creating memories of our own, so we can be remembered by those who venture to love us.
