Marc Anthony, Vivir Mi Vida

[Warning: violent images below]

Trying to travel through Mexico is a bit complicated nowadays. No matter how elusive presidents want to talk about it, really paused... Faking conviction, in front of cameras, over shiny podiums. When Trip Advisor makes these brief warnings on their sites, it means he's just talking from his personal fiction, one that's lasted for the longest four years and who knows, maybe his convoy is as large as his fear?

Mexico State 
Journalist Anabel Flores, Veracruz
Still. We have to keep discovering, living and loving the complex, gritty, wonderful place we were born in. Not as an act of masochism, not because we wanna risk it, not even because violence is no longer something this world doesn't have enough of, but because we refuse to be grim, or stuck into one "comfortable" defined zone, or even worse, in a curfew. We might as well, drive into the sunset singing, or dancing in our funeral...

Or even coming back from the dead and keeping the beat vato.
