Direct, One Step Forward

I remember when I was back at the MA a few years ago, when someone told me about this unbelievable gossip, one of our teachers, who's name was really recognized (and still is) today, was going out with one handsomish artist. He wasn't really talented [sorry, I know what this sounds like], but the fact is that people said he was using her position to get into the exclusive art scene.

I always wondered how, this amazing, intelligent woman was or could be (if true), so blinded by the evident truth that was whispered around her. I remember looking at her (usually grim, then lit) face while he was giving a really boring conference.

Some fellow students never respected her the same way, but not me. I understood, every once in a while, we all want to be somewhat lied upon, seeking for the illusion of being appreciated for who we are. Yet. There are limits. So while one might give one step forward, a thousand back can also be taken, at least while invisible things pan out.
