Natalia Lafourcade & Los Macorinos, Son Amores [That's Amore]

While I was rushing through the traffic yesterday, a bolero on the radio hit a nerve. Listening to this song filled me with great melancholy. At first, I thought the feeling was about my grandfather from my mothers' side. He loved Agustín Lara and I remember him smoking, drinking scotch and listening to the "Flaco".

As a reckless bus stopped in the middle of a lane and people were honking at him, I meditated for a bit on how those songs seemed from another planet today. They spoke of how one love could forever change the life of another, of how two souls met and were devoted to each other almost as a religious act. They also spoke about wandering beings that lost everything when the one they loved, went away. "Please tell me how to forget you" they say.

A man on another car started yelling at the bus driver, clenching his fist at him. The bus driver looked at him, expressionless. This was going to take longer than expected, I sighed. 

Maybe the melancholy came from the fact we are no longer connected to those songs as a generation: "How was it, I'm unable to say, but I fell in love with you" or "Our souls were so close that by now, I have your tang instilled in me".

The bus driver turned off the bus and smiled defiantly at the car driver.

I had a small flashback with a guitar trio, I was maybe 5, 8? People were singing with such gusto, all drinking and feeding themselves with these words, some members of my family were even crying. I knew, somehow, at one point in time, when I grew to be old, I would understand about those kind of feelings.

The car driver lost it, opened his door and went towards the bus. Other people in their cars started honking too.

I guess I had my share of those great stories. They made a landscape of my heart and I am forever grateful for that. Some made me grow, some others made me figure out what I didn't want. Yet recently, nobody of us seem to be trying to grab our hearts from our chests and feel them out. Can people today actually swipe a great love story from their devices? Yes they can, because well, they can. Some stories end even before they start or just end because great is messy and complicated, two words our generation can't tolerate much.

The car driver started kicking the bus, yelling at the driver to move that piece of shit. We all watch. This could get uglier.

Maybe this is what we get from mediocrity and lack of commitment. And maybe, where there's a 24/7 open shop of exotic varieties and a sense of endless possibilities there is no room for one great love but for many "Made in China", serial, fleeting no-shows, recurrent and ghostly phrases with deleted scenes from our social media, smiling lives.

A policeman came to the scene and started yelling at the car driver. The bus started it's engine, told the police it was a malfunction. The car driver was so angry at the bullshit the bus driver was saying that he yelled back at the policeman. The policeman signaled the bus to move on and the driver happily did so, smiling at the officer and waving back at the car driver. 

As we drove by, the police officer, with the car driver's license and registration on his hand was advising him to calm down or else...
