The Not Me Ghost #Gobierno Espía

“We're a society in which more than once we feel being spied upon. I, myself as president, receive certain messages whose origin I don't recognize, but as in any matter, I'm really careful in what I speak over the phone because there will always be someone or a moment, where a conversation of mine could be exposed."

Citizen Lab Toronto [website]

“It's so easy to point a finger at the government and call them spies, there's nothing as false as that. None of the people affected, can prove that their lives have been hurt for these alleged interventions."

“I hope that the General Attorney can expedite this issue and demarcate responsibilities, and I hope, that under the arm of the law, [punish those] who have made false allegations against the government."

Ah, Peñita as writer Loaeza called you, don't you just wish the Not Me Ghost were real?
