Not 3 More Students but Unchanged Terms

Mexico is quickly becoming a ghost town like Comala. When I heard the protests and saw the cartels of the presumed dead film students from Tonalá in the Guadalajara state, I thought it's not 3 more, it's the consistency of certain terms, in this case, dissolutions when it comes to speaking about the Mexican country.

Listening to the gruesome details of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel members confessions, but mostly on the slang they use, (one of them is a rapper by the way), they speak about "pozolear" which is a term narcos use to disappear bodies but makes allusion to a stew with cooked hominy and meat, which is precisely how the "boiling" body of a person looks like when dissolved in acid.

How can we survive the illogic of macabre? It's not 3 or 4 more, it's impunity and corruption as ways to make a living. The rapper's confessions state he had been recruited on a fixed salary by the beginning of this year for 160 USD a week. In the early morning of the students' disappearances, in just a couple of hours, 3 bodies "became water" to use their words, yet another eighteen genetic profiles were found on the premises, not to mention General Attorney's office uniforms and military weapons.

I believe this liquidity does not come from dissolved bodies, but merely from the vast amount of tears shed by Mexicans from the endless loss of their loved ones. They burst from our eyes after we learned what cruelty was capable of doing, because we know now, that being at any place has become the wrong time; a norm we've come to accept in the last two decades. So we cry while we get our groceries, as we watch a movie, as we laugh with others, flooding little by little the country of despair.
