Complicity Montage

Father Solalinde declared how the State has been administering the truth when they have known all along the events that have been taking place recently in Mexico (but may I dare say since 1968?). Those statements have repeatedly been bringing me back to the same issue: Complicity Montage.
"Deleuze spends a tremendous amount of effort discussing images themselves, but what is equally or perhaps even more important is the formal presentation, organization, and linkage of images, or how images are put together. In my reading of Deleuze, one can consider thought as a process or activity of human consciousness connecting and relating images – perceived images as well as images from memory." [source]

The result of Borges forking paths in regards to time "signals the emergence of a new status of narration, whereby 'narration ceases to be truthful, that is, to claim the truth, and has become fundamentally falsifying'". [source] He continues ..."the falsifying narration which corresponds to it goes a step further and poses inexplicable differences to the present and alternatives which are undecidable between true and false to the past. The truthful man dies, every model of truth collapses, in favor of the new narration."

So, "in De Sica’s Umberto D, the sequence where the old man examines himself and thinks he has a fever [...] makes unstable the distinction between subject and object in the visual field. This irruption in the viewing frame establishes a centrifuge around which notions of the real and the imagined whirl, where subject and object resist one another as much as they enmesh, where mental and physical space overlay one another rather than merely correspond. The discernable is no longer of import. We have been invited into a realm of unknowing." [source]

Back to complicity montage and Murillo's declaration.

"Falsifying narration, by contrast, frees itself from this system [of judgement];it shatters the system of judgements because of the power of the false (not error or doubt) affects the investigator and witness as much as the person presumed guilty... Narration is constantly being completely modified, in each of its episodes, not according to subjective variations, but as a consequence of disconnected places and de-chronologized moments." [source]
All that remains of an ambiguous discourse are ashes and sorrow. The state will not admit to anything because their main concern is politics. But the staging of these complicities are getting to be larger, world sized, from Dantesque scenarios to a national truth disguised as an Orson Welles fiction. A parody of framings and deceptions but hopefully making us gain some insight on our system. As Marleau-Ponty would say "Our dignity is that we rely on intelligence, which will alone discover the truth of the world."
