Jingles for Political Campaigns

Ahhhh, the political struggle for attention is hard these days, but even harder when people are completely unmotivated to vote. If you find no matter where you look, that all political parties are the same combination of intentions mixed with fallacy, then take that lack of motivation up a notch and the end result almost borders disdain.

So, some candidates have become very, very creative.

Case number One
Ricardo Monreal for Morena Party has used Uptown Funk for his jingle (top audio).

Case number Two
Arturo Soto running for mayor of Tamaulipas (PAN Party) has used 3 hits for his jingles (audios in the middle/same order).

Case number Three
Eugenio Peña Peña's lost candidature for the PAN Party in Tamaulipas state, no musical hit but we get the reggaeton vibe.

Antonio Tareck for the 17th District (PRI Party).

Here's Diego Leyva, the PAN Party candidate for the 1st. District. "Watchenlo" or watch this tribal "bato" (guy):

Calle 13th's hit Atrévete, is the rap song for Jorge Luis Preciado, candidate for Colima's state governor for the PAN Party.

Green parties will NOT be left behind, specially in Nuevo León state:

And if this wasn't bad enough, we have a PRI candidate running for Campeche's state government with the Osmani García's (same) song:

Last but not least, we have a cumbia hit for the PRI Party, Noé Bernardino Vargas or the "Valecito" who's running for the 12th District.
