Conflict Duology

M.I.A., Borders (if you can't watch the video, check it out here)

ISIS, English Music Video (go to this link)
Glamourisation of certain events seem a bit odd, whether used to draw a light upon or beyond a conflict. Edition and resolution of music videos are better, shinier yet where in reality, there's absolutely no glitter at all from an airstrike, nor when riding a raft in the middle of the night. I guess artists earn the freedom to place themselves in whichever space they choose, to whatever aim of their project. Yet something is always contradictory. 

I believe that this offness comes from the distance artists/producers keep from these boundaries of conflict. Everyone of them/us are safe, at the rim of this reality, allowing it to happen as we watch, trying to grasp the consciousness of these events as a time lapse between an auto-play and a click we exert to close it off, away from our shores.

And finally, when it comes to the glorification of people operating beyond ethical boundaries, it's hard not to think about what role these media play as Mexican drug lords are portraited as heroes, where killing is a common practice and where everyone seems to borrow techniques from Hollywood.
