The Happy, Walkman

Chile seemed like a great option but I'm exploring new possibilities. The twists and turns of a project don't need to be so carefully disclosed but it did ignite a small reflection on technology which is not necessarily new.

An instrument, a musical technology in this case, plays a vital role in it. Old apparatuses for reproducing sound are just as incredibly valuable as digital ones (if not more). The knowledge around these mechanisms is sometimes very well kept.

Imagine a future where there were no more violins or LP records and there were just a few men or women in far away lands that made them one by one, with recycled materials and old machines. While their power would rely on this knowledge, the value would always be placed on the subjective nature of nostalgia.

Well, barrel organs have these kinds of issues around them. And while we seem to be approaching times of instrument extinction or sound reproduction mechanisms, thankfully there are far away lands, places with black forests where knowledge can hopefully, kindly, be handed out. 
