Giving is better than receiving

When would be the right time to graduate from your masters degree? I remember I felt I was late on doing mine, but eventually found out it was not necessarily better late than never, but that there is always time if you could find it for yourself. 

My mother graduated today. She's 70. Her MBA parted from an invitation made by the IPADE Business School which is an extension of the Panamerican University. Her program is called AD-2 which is Business Administration for High Direction.

They are known for their humanistic approach to business (Opus Dei) so they consider a success when directors actually become better human beings with new tools when they graduate. The director of the program made his speech and cited Robert Spielman (?) who said there's no life without a project, or Chesterton about the Suicide Ballad, and finally Ernesto Sábato on his famous phrase: "If we cross our arms we'll be accomplices of a system that has legitimized a silent death." This last remark on the actual situation our country's going through, by avoiding moral neutrality and giving to others as a way of life.

So many things I know about my mother but I still rediscover her persona by these small gaps we share in her lifetime. My brother and I will always be moved about people loving my mother. "Your mother is an inspiration, so giving, so sweet and yet so strong!" I kept looking at her the same way I have always seen her but in a way, with a deeper appreciation because by now, I know not everyone's mom does the things she does at 70.

Giving is better than receiving, FACTS XX, 35

While having lunch, someone said to me, "you look so much like your mom" and I replied: "hopefully so" and smiled. And truly, I really hope so, learning how to keep growing and learning and being so passionate about life, against all odds or even against your own odds. Remarkable is all I can say for a lack of a better word, one that would encompass such high intensity vibration for a tingling life.
