Osho, Madame Blavatsky and the Thesophical Society

[From Osho: Freedom and Responsibility]
"Madame Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, used to carry two bags in her hands, always. Either going for a morning walk or travelling in a train - those two bags were always in her hands. And as she was throwing something out of those bags - from the window while sitting in the train - onto the side of the train.

People would ask, 'Why do you do this?'

She would say, 'This has been my whole life's habit. These are seasonal flower seeds. I may not come back on this route again, but that does not matter. When the season comes and the flowers will blossom, thousands of people who pass every day in this line of railway trains will see those flowers, those colours. They will not know me. That does not matter.'

'One thing is certain: I am making a few people happy somewhere. That much I know. It does not matter whether they know it or not. What matters is that I have been doing something which will make somebody happy. Some children may coma en pluck a few flowers and go home. Some lovers may come and make garlands for each other. And without their knowing, I will be part of their love. And I will be part of the joy of children. And I will be part of those simply passing by the path, seeing beautiful flowers.'" [The Times of India]
