Ayotzinapa: It wasn't the State

One of the first phrases about Ayotzinapa was #FueElEstado, or #TheStateWasResponsible, meaning the state kidnapped, killed, tortured or disappeared the 43 students. I have been thinking, this phrase is not really aiding justice a year from these events.

I've come to the realisation it wasn't the State, I mean the whole State. Nor the "Government", nor Murillo. The more I read the Ayotzinapa Inform, the more I'm convinced there was a chain of command that has to be investigated in order to point fingers to those who really were responsible. A commander, certain officers, the governor...

Today the sky cries
Tomorrow the moon bleeds
On Earth
43 seeds grow
They will become the sun
Of justice
Elena Poniatowska
Declaring the State did it is like stating a vast number of injustices that have no responsible head, did it.

Someone, a group. Whom?
