
Carmen Aristegui was not first but certainly the most advertised case of censorship in Mexico this year. Ruben Espinosa Becerril and Nadia Vera murders followed. Just like MVS - the company that hired Aristegui - Channel 22 of Mexican T.V. had always tried to keep a versatile, inclusive and critical point of view towards national reality.

Last week, some people got fired, but the reasons were wrongfully presented as cuts from the company due to the current economical crisis. "The crisis", Huematzin Rodríguez states, "started last November" when the president of the company used Channel 22 as means of publicly supporting Moreno Valle, Puebla's governor from the PAN party after a conference imparted by Ignacio Ramonet."The violence is also exerted when someone speaks in name of everyone". He remarks.

Chanel 22 director, Raúl Cremou expressed his gratitude towards PAN's party governor on minute 37.59

Another incident continued with the human rights decay on Channel 22. "I didn't follow a verbal instruction", Juan Jacinto Silva angrily argues as he was banned by Cremou to mention anything regarding Carmen Aristegui's discharge from MVS. When he ethically did his job by airing a balanced note of these events, he was verbally reprimanded and taken out of the news direction. Little after, that same direction supervised what he was supposed to inform 15 days before recording the programs and as he ironically says: "Like a Kundera novel, they were slowly erasing me from the channel."

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PeñaTrump can't just keep silencing, killing or firing everyone in this country does it? How far are these actions imposed from a regime that does not reflect Mexican people's wishes for a present country? Why are we subjected to what people in power do which reflects poorly on what we actually are?
