ACT: Presents of Speculation @ CENART

Our Bodies
Day 2]Speculation about the different ways of being bodies. Which factors affect the conception of bodies? Why is the body a figure whose meaning crosses so many different disciplines? What does the body of the sciences have in common with the social body, the body of work, the body of research and the body of water? What is the relationship between the forms of bodies and the forms of life that make them possible?

Susan Schuppli
Panel: Material Witnessses
A reflection on the forms of the bodies imbricated with the conditions in which they are gestated.

Beatriz Miranda, Marte Roel and Alejandra Medrano
Panel: Non-human bodies, extensions and internal worldsCorpus, when we speak of work, celestial body, body of text. The body that we feel to possess, the vehicle, the body that we perceive, the one that is separated from the mind, the normalized, the domesticated one.

Rían Lozano and Sergio Beltrán
Panel: Social bodies, technology and critical imagination
On how the use of certain technologies applied to bodies renders visible common problems among different disciplines.
