He Jiankui (and Michael W. Deem?), 露露 Lulu and 娜娜 Nana

[From his cached website]
"For billions of years, life progressed according to Darwin’s theory of evolution: random mutation in DNA, selection and reproduction. Today, human meet great challenge when the industrialization has caused great environment change. Genome sequencing and genome editing provided new powerful tools to control evolution. In our lab, we work hard to develop single molecule sequencing platform to read the genetic code of life. We aim to bring down the whole genome sequencing to the goal of $100, and make it available to everyone. As long as the genetic code is known, we use CRISPR-Cas9 to insert, edit or delete the associated gene for a particular trait. By correcting the disease genes, gaining protective alleles, we human can better live in the fast changing environment.

Dr. He presented the safety of genome editing in the Cold Spring Harbor Meeting in New York."
[Other links in his website refer back to Stanford where he worked for Quake, but there seem to be "missing"]

Deem (center) and team @Rice
"Of particular interest are those biological issues involving randomness, diversity, and correlations. The group has developed methods to quantify vaccine effectiveness and antigenic distance for influenza, methods to sculpt the immune system to mitigate immunodominance in dengue fever, a physical theory of the competition that allows HIV to escape from the immune system, the first exact solution of a mathematical model of evolution that accounts for cross-species genetic exchange, a hierarchical approach to protein molecular evolution, a `thermodynamic' formulation of evolution, and a theory for how biological modularity spontaneously arises in an evolving system. The adaptive immune response to viruses and vaccines is studied with a variety of random energy models. Field theories are used to analyze physical theories of evolution. In the materials field, the group has developed a number of widely-used Monte Carlo methods in structure, nucleation, and function of zeolites and remains interested in these areas." [source]
