James Turrell on "greeting the light"

All these moving and changes have made me aware of how, maybe, I'm waiting for a new wave to come. Weather is beeeeahutiful today and now that I learned that May Gallery Art Gallery & Residency got funded, I want to think everything's possible, so back to work.

"'You know for years I was a lapsed Quaker. I always tell people that my grandmother, who was a Quaker, said to me, 'Go inside and greet the light.' Whether that caused me to make art out of light, or whether it affected how I think about light, I can't say. [...] We also have a physical relationship with light - we drink it as Vitamin D. Our health has to do with light. Light is sensual. Anything sensual, while it can attract you toward the spiritual, can hold you from it too; it can keep you in the physical world, and that's an explicit part of my work, which I think is sensual and emotional in the way that music is sensual and emotional.'"
The Accidental Masterpiece: On the Art of Life and Vice Versa, Michael Kimmelman
