Yves Montand, La Bycyclette

I was putting some air into my tires by the Bayou and a beautiful lady came over and asked me if I had trouble with my bike. She told me she sees me all the time on the bike and that whenever she sees me she would want to ride a bike but that she's too old now (she's 94).

I wish there were bikes designed for the third age but until that happens it made me think how fortunate one is, when in complete use and enjoyment of their body. It made me feel ashamed of how sometimes feeling alive is not enough for me, when I want more, when I think I need more or that I need to do more in order to be happier.

It also made me think about finitude and the present basically because I have been having what I could call good losses. People that may have passed briefly through my life and now have gone to places they need to be, ending of projects and even loss of possibilities, professionally and artistically.

It all has made me halt. A new one for me. It all made me stop and think of what I want. I don't know if I'm getting close to what I want but what I'm really sure is that the longer I've been jumping into situations, the farther away I've been riding from what I don't want and (sometimes) closer to what I would like and that's a start. Hopefully when I turn 94 I can maybe laugh to myself about stuff I did (if I can remember it) and never never regret not taking those chances. Sounds good in theory.
