Coming Back

Coming back to the "Mexican reality" has been hard. First, finding stupidity of a brand in Mexican ground. How can someone be so inhumane? And then again, how can so many people be so inhumane? 

"They Crunch(ed) the Ayotzinapa Students"
Then... Learning about what happened on Saturday at the Zócalo made things harder. Is someone there? States Mr. Camarena. Not even the press was prepared for it but what is the purpose of the authorities by not taking a quick action towards certain events that were almost left to their own devices?

Of course, people documenting were hurt and taken by the military. But, is this yet another staging of events where in other circumstances, different actions would have been taken?

Mexico City was not the only one to burn on Saturday... Outside the Government Palace of Guerrero, some trucks were burnt.

I wonder if we are becoming the portrait of a infuriated country that seems to be shouting but has not been heard. Has the state understood the gravity of the events? Or as the saying goes, understanding it (is impossible), in Chinese?

All the while I think, it seems the machinery of the "old state" seems to be stirring controversy. I imagine an old locomotive using it's decaying gears, trying to rise up to the occasion but failing miserably. Is the message getting to the right people? How can the state be so detached from the people they are supposed to protect? Are the usual ways not working anymore? Good. We need empathy for our new system to work. WE, are the ones who are tired of half truths and half mockeries to our intelligence. #YaMeCanse. Fed up. Done Mr. Murillo.

[The Guardian]

Now, the state is not the only one who's rusty in their ways. Indignation is the right fuel but we have to be careful of scaring innocent people to death too.

Ok. Actions. A Commission of Truth has been proposed by intellectuals today. "Truth and justice commissions are used to be installed in emblematic moments of a conflict or moving towards the transition to democracy. According to the International Center for Trasnational Justice, it's purpose is to 'investigate and report systematic patterns of abuse, advise changes and contribute to the understanding of underground reasons for grave violations to the human rights'". [source]

"'The 43 students are not an isolated case, it's the tragic ending to femicides and massacres since Acteal till today and even before that. In this crisis we have to go deeper or there will be no peace', Gilly wrote." [source]

Truth is we will not be happy with any result the state will offer. But really, how could we?
