Julieta Venegas: Buenas Noches, Desolación

It's time for defining new options. What comes next? On May next year I will fulfill three years in Mexico. I'm so happy my ego had a break from many things. It helped me place the importance on some, question even the reasons I had for doing others.

Four years ago I went to Colombia. New people I met then had the chance to see me through 3 different places: the highest high on incandescent Colombia, a moderate low in hard to breathe Cuzco (due to my own heartbreak) and now a reflexive-intermediate mood in mineral-rich, earthly Chile. Maybe these places did match my inner transitions? My new agreements to the person I am now, or have slowly come to be.

What makes not any life but mine worth? What is the meaning that matches it's intricacies, the tics with the tocs? Next means an excuse of a goal but by it's side some other ones, as valuable at the seemingly attainable ones. Spending a life thinking is better if you manage to enjoy it a little. My challenge and sign of development is one day, I'll manage to say the opposite, wondering what was it I was calling living before enjoying?

The one thing I have for certain now is, change is a process. Not a resolution, nor  a revelation. Those two only acknowledge a fact. The process is weary, tiresome, sometimes filled with no guarantees but your own will, the backtracking and correction of a process that though familiar is not useful anymore.
