#NRML Festival 2016

Here's a thing about music festivals, whether you are in New Orleans or New York, you have to be prepared to understand the inevitable pass of time... No, this is not another generation of young people with different beat or a temporary fashion. We have all been singular.

These new generations have several behaviours mostly aided through technology. Of course everyone was texting, posting on Facebook and making selfies as drones flew by. But with certain surprise, I discovered their music was a lot softer than I expected, unless you chose the opposite side of the spectre which was really dark and brutal.

The sun was setting down and as I was listening to Low, (yes it's as depressing as the name of the band sounds), I kept thinking on fashion, how it had changed, especially for guys. They can take more risks with a certain measure of hipsterness. Some young women's wavy hair reminded me of Rainbow Dash.

I recognized people my age. We didn't quite fit there, some of us have grown small parches of grey hair here and there. We smiled kindly at each other like rhythm survivors, as if the spirit didn't die down, eroded with the waves of kids, mortgages or time.

As it grew darker, things changed when some amazing musicians from Puerto Rico and Colombia busted out some pretty cool rhythms that changed the mood for good.

I love curated discoveries and this Festival is known for that reason. As I went back and forth from stage to stage I found myself enjoying the diversity of "millennial" sounds and concepts.

I hadn't realised how much I missed the thumping of the speakers, the bright lights and the dusty grounds. Music will always be a great vehicle to ride on and the day was absolutely beautiful.
