David Bowie, Aladdin Sane / Tilda Swinton, The Maybe

"An integral part of The Maybe's incarnation at MoMA in 2013 is that there is no published schedule for its appearance, no artist's statement released, no no museum statement beyond this brief context, no public profile or image issued. Those who find it chance upon it for themselves, live and in real—shared—time: now we see it, now we don't."

Tilda Swinton's dinner [whole} speech at the Opening of David Bowie's Is

"This was my favourite playground as a child
Medieval armour : my fantasy space wear

And, alongside, when I was 12 - and a square sort of kid in a Round Pond sort of childhood, not far from here - I carried a copy of Aladdin Sane around with me - a full 2 years before i had the wherewithal to play it

The image of that gingery boney pinky whitey person on the cover with the liquid mercury collar bone was - for one particular young moonage daydreamer - the image of planetary kin, of a close imaginary cousin and companion of choice

It's taken me a long time to admit, even to myself, let alone you, that it was the vision and not yet the sound that hooked me up - but if i can't confess that here and now, then when and where?

We all have our own roots
And routes
To this room"
