Learning to teach I: Karate Kid

I have been involved in everything that requires learning and teaching in the past few weeks. I'm taking an online diplomate for Art Therapy, I'm currently taking an induction course at the college I'm teaching, along with a competence evaluation additional course that covers how objectives and learning can be measured.

I'm also working with my clients here and abroad. Plus, I just enrolled into new courses to learn new skills. All this means I'm either being taught or teaching, mostly the first so I can do the second, it's exhausting.

I was asked today, who are we teaching and why? Why in the world might someone want to be in any institution to be taught what is out there on the internet? Students seem to know everything, they no longer memorize stuff because it's available to them in the palms of their hands. How are digital media involved in this process, in terms of evaluation, who do you consider a better student: one who vectorizes by hand or one that uses image trace, one that uses images from the internet or one that actually takes pictures for a project? Bottom line, how can the media help and not hinder the learning process, specially when creativity is what's been measured as well?

We, as educators are supposed to give meaning to learning and my competence evaluation teacher set this example. It was funny but it kind of makes sense...

