Claude François, Comme d'habitude

I have traces of places where I have been. Some plane tickets and some hugs fading in the passing of time. But when I look around in the halls of my memory, though imperfect now, what remains is a sense of presence thanks to the existence of others.

Then I look to my recent past. At friends I left and recovered, caught up with, never lost. New ones seem to be added, like cherries for my creamy pie, what a delight to munch on each other as we look at a new horizon. What a ride so far!

How many trips will my life allow me to live around any of these people is infinite. Whether in person or through the distance, I'm very much alive today, feeling more at ease after these past years. Grateful always, because in each face, there's a moment where time and will were stitched together.

Maybe 42 will not hold the answers of the Universe, nor 70. What seems certain is the need to broaden the expectations we were brought up with the ones we succumb due to commodity or habitude... Is that famous, affirmative song of doing things my way, actually the best way?
