Health, Glitter Pills

One day you're ok. Next day you're in a hospital bed, looking at your feet. It's funny in an ironic way. I was dehydrated with an evil virus on my throat. It hurt so bad to swallow, I stopped drinking fluids, forget about eating anything.

I agreed to go to the ER out of despair. My brother was there to greet me. In his blue surgeon attaire and his professional eyeglasses he has always had this ease about him, a smile that seems open to the universe. Soon after admittance, I was hydrated, given some analgesics for my throat and went into a ct scan machine.

It was Wednesday today. Monday and Tuesday were a blur. My brother came out the scan results with his hands in his pockets. All good and smiled, "Now we can be certain it's just a big, baaaad bug. No abscess, nothing to worry about."

I love my freckled brother. He will always be one of my favourite people in this world. When we were kids we used to have a bath and then side by side had dinner while watching some TV show [1 / 2 / 3]. The hospital is his space now, he walks with ease through it. Nurses like him because he's nice to them too. Relying is good. It helps the path along your soar way.
