The Storm, the Sentinel, and Night Watch Syndrome

After Tlatlaya and Ayotzinapa things aren't the same. It was as if these new series of events, rehashed past ones. It brought forward the passivity Mexicans have towards injustice and abuse.

I wonder if the air has become thinner? Does the water taste different? Have we become aware of certain parts of our reality but still believe no change will come from it? According to the Zapatistas, as if we didn't have enough, something harsher that what we have experienced before is coming our way...
"Okay, so the thing is that we, the Zapatistas, see and hear a catastrophe coming, and we mean that in every sense of the term, a perfect storm. 
But… it’s also true that we Zapatistas see and hear that people with great knowledge say, sometimes with their words and sometimes with their attitude, that everything continues on more or less the same.
They say that the reality that we are confronted with presents only small variations that do not significantly alter its path.
In other words, we see one thing and they see another.
We see the tendency to resort to the same tactics of struggle, to continue with marches, real or virtual, with elections, surveys, and rallies. And at the same time and in related manner, we see the development of new parameters for “success,” a kind of applause-o-meter that functions, in the case of protest marches, inversely: the better behaved the march (that is, less protest), the more successful. New partisan organizations are created, plans are laid out, strategies and tactics developed, creating a veritable juggling act out of actual concepts.
(...) And well, what we see is not good at all. We see that what is coming is something terrible, even more destructive than before, if that’s possible."[link]
Darker that the despotic displays of power from our president, more sinister than it's cabinet or our sequestered freedom of speech?

I guess there's always room for more violence.

Ayotzinapa students seized by police forces March 28, 2015
